Wednesday, August 19, 2009

About that Demon Pig Story ...

The Demon Pig story posted on Brandilyn Collins' blog ( has generated quite a few questions. Here are a few of the more popular ones:

Is there really a Possumneck, Mississippi? Yes. The town itself is little more than some ruins and overgrown graveyards today, but it still shows up on maps and locals still refer to the northwest area of Attala County as Possumneck. Drugstores down there used to sell sweatshirts and mugs that said "Where the heck is Possumneck?" Alas, I haven't been able to find any of these the last few times I've been there.

How big was the Demon Pig? I only saw its head, but I'm told the Demon Pig weighed over 300 lbs. In summer, it would've weighed around 450 lbs. While big, that's only about half the size of the famous Hogzilla (

Is everything in the Demon Pig story true? Yes. Er, well, with one exception. I said in the story that the severed pig head whispered, "My name is Legion." I actually couldn't make out what it was saying. ;-)

1 comment:

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